“It’s personalized. The Body Firm treats you as an individual.”

- Randy Miller

“I work out at the Body Firm so I can continue doing the things I enjoy.”

- Barry Smith

“I joined the Body Firm 18 months ago and can honestly say that I’ve never been fitter or stronger than I am now. I was a member at a high-end health club for several years, and although I trained on a regular basis, I was never able to reach this level of fitness. The trainers at the Body Firm are dedicated and professional and will customize your training program to fit your goals. Joining the Body Firm is one of the best investments I’ve made.”

-Jonanda Duvenhage

“I’ve been working out at the Body Firm for more than 10 years and consider it to be my ‘Cheers.’ With the inclusion of core, balance, and flexibility exercises along with strength training and cardio, my time spent at the Body Firm is one of my preventative measures as I age.”

- Susan Conaway

“When I was diagnosed with osteoporosis I started walking in my neighborhood & exercising in my home to improve my condition. I took a bone density test every year and got the same results. A friend of mine gave me a book on how to reverse osteoporosis, which included resistance training.  I hired Doug Thompson as my personal trainer in order to improve my bone density. After I took my annual bone density test eight months later, my doctor’s office called me to inform me that I didn’t have osteoporosis anymore and said, ‘I have never seen anyone improve as much as you have. What have you been doing?’

Not only has my health improved, but I feel so much stronger. Thank you Doug.”

-Barbara Gold

“I lost 15 lbs. and dropped my body fat from 18% to 10% in only 3 months. The workouts always challenged me without breaking my body down. The trainers at The Body Firm finally made me realize the “no pain, no gain” approach was a contributing factor to my back and shoulder injuries. They’ve taught me how to do the exercises correctly and which exercises to avoid all together. If you’re looking for great personal trainers and training programs The Body Firm is the place to be.”

-D. Kline

“As a fifty-something active adult, my goal in having a trainer centered around being able to remain active and proficient in the sports I enjoy — especially golf, tennis and wake-boarding. The Body Firm has taken me through a balanced regimen of upper and lower body strengthening but with particular focus on improving my core strength and increasing my flexibility, balance and endurance. As a result I am performing better, playing longer, and I am much less prone to injury.
Many of the exercises I am coached through are golf related and the results speak for themselves. I am longer off the tee, and much to my golf coach’s surprise, I am more in tune with my body and its motions. I feel more in control overall. I enjoy the constant variety in my exercise regimen and I am always pleased to open a copy of a Golf magazine or turn on the Golf Channel and see an exercise that The Body Firm has had me doing for months.

I may not have the natural ability I had at twenty, but what’s left is in a lot better shape — and The Body Firm is certainly part of the formula!”

– Alan - training since 2006

We’ve all heard the adage, “Get fit in the gym. Lose weight in the kitchen.” Doing one is great. Combining them is awesome AND life-changing! Jim and Katherine – Body Firm members – are living proof that the adage is more than just a clever saying.

The two joined the Body Firm in January 2023, and through the combination of twice-weekly workouts, being more active in general and incorporating healthier eating habits, they became (in their own words), entirely new people by April of 2024.

What happened? Katherine was approaching her 70th birthday and Jim had recently passed that milestone birthday when Katherine decided that “enough was enough.” She missed wearing single-digit sized clothing and he was tired of always being tired. They decided to reach out to the Body Firm, had their consultations, liked what they saw in the studio and the available programs and flexibility, and signed up for one year of twice-weekly semi-private personal training.

While an avid DIY-er, Jim had never exercised before. Admittedly, “I would get out of breath just walking up the hills on the golf course. Now I get in at least 7,000 steps each day and wouldn’t dream of missing one of my workouts at the Body Firm.” For a very long time, Katherine had been a dedicated exerciser, but she had gained so much weight that she no longer recognized herself. “Worse,” she added, “I have close friends who never knew me as slim. Now everyone calls me the ‘Incredible Shrinking Woman’ and I love feeling stable on the stairs again.”

Jim and Katherine intend to continue working out at the Body Firm until, as they put it, “death prevents us from getting there.” Jim likes the personal attention and enthusiastic support he gets from the trainers at the gym. “That continual feedback makes all the difference. I know I am getting the most out of every minute that I am there.”

Katherine likes the new exercise challenges and the feeling of physical competence. “Once I master a compound exercise or am able to lift a particular weight smoothly, I feel like a million dollars!”

Both agree that they will be living better – and perhaps even longer – now that they are dedicated to keeping fit in the gym and maintaining their ideal weights with healthier habits in the kitchen.

Katherine & Jim - training since 2023

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